Mistakes happen, especially when you’re somewhere unfamiliar, but the results of a recent survey may still surprise you. The survey found that among RVers, a spouse is more likely to be accidentally left behind than the dog. A leading RV insurer, The Progressive Group of Insurance Companies, surveyed more than […]
A business is only as safe as the tools it uses. One of the best tools a business can use to protect its assets is commercial auto insurance. Understanding insurance can be tricky. One of the first steps toward making an informed decision is to understand coverage and service options. […]
Protect your business in three easy steps
A business is only as safe as the tools it uses. One of the best tools a business can use to protect its assets is commercial auto insurance. Understanding insurance can be tricky. One of the first steps toward making an informed decision is to understand coverage and service options. […]
Protect your business in three easy steps
You’re standing at the car rental counter waiting to start your vacation when you’re asked a tricky question. Do you want to buy damage waivers, also known as car rental insurance? How will you answer? “Knowing if you need to buy rental insurance can save you money and give you […]
Do you need optional insurance when you’re renting a car?
Do you travel with your dog or cat when RVing? Is your pet more than a companion? Is he or she a member of your family? You’re not alone. Most of the 8 million RVers, according to the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association, bring pets along on trips. If this includes […]
Take your pets RVing
Time is money: Save both Saving 5 cents a gallon on gas is great. But, if you have to drive 20 minutes to get to the station, is it really a savings? If a deal costs you valuable time, it’s not a deal at all. The same holds true with […]
Service Centers Help Save Time and Money
It can be easier than you think to put the brakes on high auto insurance rates – as an independent agency, ABZ Insurance Agency can help! We can review your policy and possibly help you find a variety of illuminating ways to save money. Here are some things you may […]
Shedding Light On Car Insurance Savings
(NAPS)—Many consumers are finding they can drive down the cost of car insurance—and the time it takes to select the right policy— by contacting an independent insurance agent or broker. Because they represent many different insurance companies, independent agents have the flexibility to review rates and coverage from competing carriers […]
An Independent Approach To Car Insurance
There’s nothing like cruising down the open road on your motorcycle – the wind in your hair and a few bugs in your teeth. Before you hit the highways and byways this season, make sure your insurance policy is up to speed so that you and your bike are protected. […]
Get ready for bike season in five simple steps
Those lazy days of summer will be here soon. If you’re like most bikers, you’re gearing up to hit the open road as soon as warm weather hits. Before you get your motor running, be prepared. Call your independent insurance agent to make sure your policy is in the same […]